Friday, October 26, 2007

Two Week Checkup!

Lila had her 2 week checkup today!! She weighed a whopping 8 pounds, 7 ounces!!!!! I couldn't believe it! I had to look at the scales myself before I believed it! She is 20 inches long now. She got her heel pricked and was not too happy about that, but got over it pretty quick. Overall, she was a happy little camper at the dr.'s office. Dr. Smith said she was perfect! They'll repeat her hip ultrasound at 6 weeks old, but Dr. Smith said today that he thinks they are perfectly fine. She goes back in 2 weeks for her 1 month checkup!
Update on Addi- her culture wasn't finished "growing" yet, but Dr. Smith said he thought she probably just has a urinary tract infection and NOT a kidney infection. That's good news! We'll know for sure on Monday.


Crystal said...

Way to go Lila!

Anonymous said...

Lila is the sweetest girl way to grow Lila. I can't believe she weighed that much. lol. Hi Kim I hope you made it ok today and I hope you are feeling better. Mary Love yall

Granna said...

Way to go, Baby Lila! Granna loves the girl!!!!