Sunday, March 30, 2008

Infections, Infections, Everywhere!!!!

AHHHHHHH!!!!! The Kelsey household has had it's fair share of sicknesses and dr.'s visits this past week!!!! As previously blogged, I have a staph infection in my leg which required one initial and two follow up visits. It does seem better, but I basically still have a hole in my leg. I still have several days of antibiotics, so hopefully it will heal quickly!
Friday at ball practice, Addi said she didn't feel well. It went downhill from there with complaints of a headache, her eyes hurting, throat hurting, etc., etc. I took her to the After Hours Clinic last night and she has a sinus infection. She got started on her antibiotics last night and already seems much better.
Now on to Lila. Lila has had a snotty nose and cough for a couple of days. Today it seemed worse and she had no voice at all. When she would cry, no sound was coming out...SO, ANOTHER trip to the handy After Hours Clinic. She has an upper respiratory infection. In case anyone's interested (Tina), she weighed 15 pounds 1.5 ounces today! Big girl!! Started antibiotics today as well.....Thanks Publix, for the FREE Amoxicillin!! Yea Publix!
Wow, what a week.


1 comment:

Katie said...

I hope you all are better soon! I would love to see all the Kelsey's together at church again! Let me know if you need anything. By the way, the pictures from L/L are precious! My nieces & nephew are beautiful children.