Monday, September 08, 2008

Much Needed Update

  • Things are going well in the Kelsey household. Addi is enjoying school and still calls it "The greatest place on earth." She was chosen as student of the month for her class this month!! I will get to go in the morning and have a special breakfast with her to celebrate.
  • Addi sold 26 tubs of cookie dough, enough to get to go in the Hummer Limousine to Pizza Hut for lunch one day! She also had her named pulled in a drawing and will get to spin the money wheel soon!
  • Levi is enjoying school too. He loves his teacher and is learning some things. He will get to go to Children's Theater starting in October and I think he'll enjoy that. He is doing GREAT going to the potty now. He finally caught on! He doesn't even wear a pull-up at night anymore!
  • Lila is growing like a weed!! She has TEN teeth now! She has two of her molars already! She has taken a couple of steps here and there and I think will be walking before her first birthday (something not accomplished by her sister or brother). She has also found her voice! Man, oh man, has she found her voice! She used it rather loudly in church yesterday. Her favorite word is "Addi!" and she says it with great enthusiasm about 200 times a day!
  • Thanks to early Christmas presents from Grammy and PaPa in Oklahoma, Levi is getting a new dresser tomorrow and Addi will be getting a new mattress this week. They are both excited! Never knew a 5 year old would be excited over a mattress, but she complains that hers isn't comfortable all the time!
  • Paul and I broke down and bought a new dryer. Even after we had ours fixed, it's still ruining about one piece of clothing in every load. The clothing gets stuck in the edge and leaves a brown mark that can't be removed. It will be delivered tomorrow with Levi's dresser. It will be nice to be able to dry clothes without having to put it in a mesh bag.
  • Paul and I are going to see Dave Ramsey in Atlanta on Saturday. We're looking forward to it. Mom is going to keep the kiddos for us.
  • We had a GREAT, FANTASTIC, MARVELOUS Ladies' Day this past Saturday at Sylvan Springs. If you are a lady and didn't come, you missed out! Thanks to all the girls who did so much work to get this task accomplished, especially Rachel. And of course, Rachel's mom did an excellent job speaking. Addi got to lead two songs and was as adorable as ever.
  • Soccer is going well, but Levi won't play. He whines and it's not worth it to make him even go on the field.
  • Addi is loving Paul being their coach. They played a practice game. Our team only had 4 players and the other team had 7 and we held them 1-0. Not bad!
  • Addi is also going to be playing fall softball this year. It's more of an instructional league and they'll have practice games on Sunday afternoons.
  • Addi is also going to be in the school beauty pageant on November 8th. Addi is turning into quite the busy little bee! And enjoying every minute of it!
  • I better go for now. I'll try to get pictures up soon. Our computer is no longer recognizing our camera so I can't do it at home. It doesn't recognize the printer any more either and apparently now won't recognize the disk to reformat the hard drive.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good gravy. Girl you have had a ton going on. Can't wait to see some pictures!!!!!