Addi is going to play softball this year! I am so excited!!! Maybe more excited than she is! This video was the first day Addi and I got in the yard and practiced. I was impressed that she was able to hit the ball!!!
Well, as you can guess from the title of this post, Paul was not spared. He starting throwing up last night and it has not been fun. I gave him some of Levi's phenergan, which helped (thanks to the pharmacist that told me what the adult dosage was) but he's still sick. He scared me to death and I thought I was going to have to take him to the ER last night too. He was so weak from vomiting that he fell in the hallway and at first I thought he was having a seizure. It just scared me. Luckily we got him up and back in bed and he seems a little better this morning. Pray for us!
It has been a ROUGH couple of days in the Kelsey household. Levi has had a terrible stomach virus. Luckily, none of the rest of us have gotten it (yet). He started throwing up early yesterday morning and I finally took him to the emergency room last night. Of course, he quit throwing up once we got there, but I wanted to make sure he wasn't dehydrated. They gave him some phenergan (sp?). Now he has diarrhea. Bless his heart. We were up almost every hour last night. It's been rough. And now he's just wanting me to hold him all the time. Which I don't mind since he rarely wants anyone to hold him, but I do have to go to the potty a couple of times a day! And he doesn't want me to! Josh had something similar starting Monday and had to go get IV fluids because he was dehydrated! Hopefully the rest of the Kelsey/Couringtons will be spared! Hope everyone else is doing well!
For those of you that haven't heard (you must be hiding in a cave), Peter Pan peanut butter has had a recall. Apparently some batches of their peanut butter contain salmonella. Well, about 3 weeks ago, I had a bad "stomach virus". I diagnosed myself. Now as I look back I'm wondering if it wasn't the peanut butter toast that I ate. I checked my jar of peanut butter and its code starts with 2111 which is the number included in the recall! The fact that I was sick to my stomach (I'll spare you the details) for over a week makes me wonder. I suppose since I'm not sick anymore that I'm okay...and I guess I'll never know. Let's just say I'm not craving a peanut butter sandwich tonight!
I went for my first prenatal visit today. Everything looked fine. Due date is October 17th, but they will schedule the c-section sometime around the 10th.
The Kelsey family will be adding it's third and final addition to the family!!!! We just found out today and are very excited!!! Addi was so excited she entered church tonight yelling at the top of her lungs, "My mommy's going to have a little baby!!!!" Levi doesn't have a clue what's going on. I haven't even been to the doctor yet, but will be going soon. And no, it wasn't a surprise- Paul and I are just crazy! :-) Everyone has seemed so surprised and we're glad- we hope it was a good surprise for everyone!! Boy or girl? Red hair, blonde hair, or brown hair? The anticipation is already killing me but for now I'm just going to enjoy being pregnant for one last time!!
Paul and I have been sick for a couple of days so the kids have had to entertain themselves a little more than usual. They had a blast tonight playing with their hampers! Thought I would share...I thought it was funny.
I am a 30 year old stay-at-home mom. I am married to the best man on the planet, Paul Kelsey. We have been married 10 years. He deserves a medal for that! We have three beautiful kids, Addi, Levi, and Lila.
I am a member at Sylvan Springs Church of Christ, where we are actively involved in the work there.