Thursday, November 29, 2007

Long blog post

I'm sorry it has taken me so long (again) to update! A lot has been going on with Thanksgiving, etc...
  • We had a lovely Thanksgiving with Paul's parents here in Alabama. The kids really enjoyed having them here. It's amazing that as little as we get to see the Kelseys, the kids, even Levi, seem to pick right up where they left off. I have to admit I got a little teary-eyed when Levi didn't want them to leave!
  • My grandmother is in the hospital in Jasper. She's had several health issues lately, including the shingles and walking pneumonia. Please pray that she'll be able to come back from whatever is causing her current problems. This was my first Thanksgiving with no grandparents around.
  • Lila is GROWING!! I don't know what she weighs, but I know it's more! She is taking 6 ounces per feeding now! She is certainly more alert and is starting to realize when she's left alone. :-( She turned over yesterday for the first time- back to front. She has also learned to pull her pacifier out of her mouth, but of course hasn't figured out how to put it back in. This, along with the fact that she's eating two times a night again, means that I'm up and down more than I was. She will start on rice cereal after her next dr.'s visit (on December 12th), so maybe she'll sleep at night again then!! At least I'm hoping so!
  • Addi will be turning 5 on Saturday. :-( I can't believe how big she is getting!!! We are having her birthday party here tomorrow night and I'll try to update with pictures afterwards.
  • Jasmine is coming in the morning to watch the kids so I can go buy Addi's birthday present and pick up her cake. I don't know what I'd do without Jazz around!
  • I still haven't found a Wii, which is basically Addi's only wish for Santa....All you shoppers out there give me a call if you run across one!!! In Christmas shopping news, I'm desperately behind!!! I'm going to the JCPenney outlet on Monday and hopefully will find some good deals! After that, it's online shopping for me to finish up...I don't want to be out and about at the last minute!
I guess that pretty much sums up this update.....I hope you all have a great weekend!!!


Kelly said...

Rice cereal at two months? With Jenna I had to wait till three or four. Did they change it?

I hope your grandma is better soon. It is scary seeing someone you love sick and weak.

Unknown said...

Nothing has changed in regards to the timeframe for rice cereal...we have an "old-school" pediatrician. I started my other two on rice cereal at two months and they did well so I plan on doing the same with Lila.