Thursday, October 25, 2007

Almost 29.....

Yep, that's right. I'll be 29 years old on Sunday. Wow. My dad thought I was turning 30, so I guess it could be worse! I can't believe I'm that old.

Things are going okay around here. Addi has a kidney infection and is not feeling very well at all. Paul goes back to work tomorrow, which I'm really not looking forward to. He has been a GREAT help to me since he's been home the past couple of weeks.

Lila is doing well. She easily eats like a 10 pounder! Too bad mommy doesn't quite have enough milk to keep up! As long as she is full, she is one happy little camper. She doesn't cry much, but when she does Levi wants me to fix it immediately! One day this week Lila was crying because I was getting her fed fast enough and Levi came running into the room yelling, "Feed her! Feed her! She's crying!!!!" Surprisingly, he has been very gentle and motherly with her. Who would have thought?

Lila goes to the pediatrician tomorrow morning for her 2 week checkup. I'll try to update tomorrow with her latest weight stats, etc.

And how am I? Well, I'm alright. I'm still having some issues with my incision, but it might be a little better. For those of you that don't know, I had to go back to the dr. on Monday because my incision didn't close in one place. Anyway, I'm sure you all don't want to hear about that gross stuff!!!


Paul said...

I love you. Thanks for being the mother of our three children!

Rachel said...

You are right, I don't want to hear about the gross stuff but I am glad it is better. Lila is a cutie! (as are the other two as well!)